28th March 2021 · 3 min Read
While data security is not a new topic for assistance companies, medical and travel assistance are becoming ever more digital and with these advancements comes news of ever-increasing security risks. But even if assistance companies themselves have robust and evolving data security in place, using the wrong translation companies may threaten this. Tom Bool, CEO, Lexxika Ltd explains the risks associated with using translation services …
“How many times do you imagine a document needing translation might be emailed? Once? Twice? Your average translation document will have been emailed a whopping eight times before it comes back to you – and that’s if it’s a straightforward case and the right translator can be found quickly. On each of those eight occasions, multiple copies of confidential client medical reports are left on email servers posing numerous security risks. It’s not at all unusual for a case to require documents to be sent 15 or 20 times, in some instances, under the methods used by most translation agencies.
It is still all too common for an assistance company to email the document to your translation company. This is the first step in reducing data security for your clients because the document now exists on the translation company’s email servers, which are probably shared. The translation company would then email the document to numerous linguists all over the world. And now your document is on multiple servers and the systems of multiple linguists around the world. At least one linguist performs the translation and a new, translated version of your document exists on their system. By this point you have completely lost control of the data security of your document. The translation is then sent by email to the translation agency which emails it back to you. It’s no exaggeration to say that this is a security nightmare, but it’s going on every day within translation companies all over the world.”

In partnership with the assistance sector, Lexxika Ltd – the world’s only translation agency devoted to assistance companies – has developed a solution to this very risky problem. A uniquely secure portal, to which files are uploaded, is used for all correspondence. Linguists are beamed a file image which they can only work on within the portal and cannot download or copy. At an agreed point after the completion of the work, both the medical report and the translation are irretrievably deleted. Lexxika’s data security is certified to ISO 90001, 27001, and their server providers are certified to ISO 27017 and 27018.
Tom Bool concludes, “Lexxika’s data security solution represents the highest security profile available to the assistance industry. Our linguists are also medical specialists, subject to rigorous background checks and we get to know them all personally. We want to make the assistance sector aware of our enhanced data security, not just to convince them to work with us, but to educate in order to reduce the daily risk to clients’ data and help raise industry standards.”
Lexxika Ltd is world’s first translation service tailored to assistance companies by providing 24/7 urgent translation as standard, specialist medical expertise, a vast range of languages and unique data security. For more information visit www.lexxika.co call +44 1603 672880 or email translations@
Media Contact Tom Bool, CEO, Lexxika Ltd.
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